Independent Republican Cllr Davy Hyland

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Davy Hyland - "British Army haven’t Gone away you know"‏

Independent republican councillor for Newry and Mourne, Davy Hyland, has voiced his anger and concern over the continued operations of the British army in the six-counties.

Davy was speaking after it was recently revealed that the British army’s Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) were responsible for planting a tracking device on a republican’s car.

Davy said “The British army are very active in the six-counties, people might not see them everyday but that doesn’t mean they aren’t here, lurking in the shadows. There are thousands of British combat troops garrisoned in military bases across the North. We are under foreign occupation, make no bones about that”.

“The revelations that a covert British army unit, the SRR, was involved in planting a tracking device on a republicans car is a worrying development. This particular unit are closely linked with the SAS and the 14th intelligence company who are well skilled in colluding with unionist death squads. How many more covert operations are being carried out against the republican community?

Hyland continued “British soldiers have also been involved in raiding homes across the 6 counties, including nationalist areas here in Newry and this was exposed by éirígí last year. At the time there wasn’t a single word of condemnation from the establishment parties. The same people who try and portray the 6 counties as a normal society, yet we are far from normal, we still have armed British soldiers on operations regardless of whether we can see them or not. The establishment parties might be happy that everything is ok as long as you can’t see British soldiers, but for republicans the British army is not welcome in any part of Ireland, under any guise, under any circumstances.

Greenore-Greencastle Ferry

Independent republican councillor Davy Hyland has said he is disappointed that sponsorship for the Greencastle-Greenore ferry has failed to materialise due to lack of support from certain councillors in Newry & Mourne District Council.

Davy said “This was a great opportunity that would have been beneficial for the area in terms of tourism and employment as it had the potential to create over 30 jobs.

“This would have provided an opportunity for tourists and members of the public to travel from Greenore in the South to Greencastle in the North using the ferry.

Davy continued “The Mourne Mountains are one of the most scenic and beautiful areas in Ireland and this would have had great benefits for the area. Given the high unemployment levels it would also have created much needed jobs for people.

“Hopefully in the future this project can be relaunched for the betterment of the area and local communities on both sides of the border”.

Davy Hyland Slams Ongoing Internment and Mistreatment of Republican Prisoners‏

Independent republican Councillor for Newry & Mourne, Davy Hyland, has spoken out against the internment and brutalisation of republican prisoners currently being held in Maghaberry.

Davy said “There are a number of republicans being held in Maghaberry including Marian Price, Martin Corey and Gerry McGeough. On top of being unjustly held captive some republican prisoners are not receiving the adequate medical treatment they require.

“Marian Price is apparently being held because her license was revoked by the British secretary of state, yet she was never released on license.

“Marian was granted a pardon due to ill health following a lengthy hunger strike and subsequent force feeding during the 1970s.  Today she now finds herself being held in solitary confinement in an all-male prison.

“Another republican prisoner, Martin Corey, is currently interned after his licence was also revoked by the British secretary of state. Martin Corey was released from Long Kesh in 1992 after spending 19 years in prison. In 2010 he was arrested, imprisoned and charged without trial.

“Gerry McGeough is in bad health with a heart condition and for him to be in prison on charges dating back to the 80s is ridiculous. It’s clear that Gerry isn’t getting the proper medical treatment which must be of grave concern for Gerry and his family.

Davy continued “It’s clear that republican ex-prisoners have a sword hanging over their heads and if they speak out against British occupation or if they don’t toe the line they will find themselves being returned to prison.

“Colin Duffy’s case is a perfect example of this. Colin was very vocal against the current establishment, and made no secret of his strong republican beliefs. Next thing he found himself arrested charged and imprisoned. Recently we saw Colin Duffy walking from Antrim court a free man. Colin was incarcerated in Maghaberry for almost 3 years on remand, this is a clear example of internment.

“To make matters worse we have the ongoing protest in Maghaberry against controlled movement and forced strip searches. The recent images of republican prisoners sporting long beards and long hair has brought the reality and seriousness of the situation home to many people. It’s an image we thought we would never see again. Ten men gave their lives in 1981 so that today’s republican prisoners would not have to suffer the same treatment they endured.

“Some Stormont politicians claim to be concerned about such cases yet they don’t seem to be doing anything about it except issuing the odd vague statement, despite the fact that some of them were once held captive by the British state, they clearly have short memories. They are the ones who gave David Ford the job of Justice Minister,  they put him in the position, so they have a lot to answer for.

“The Stormont politicians regularly harp on about leaving “the bad old days” behind us. Yet it’s clear that for republicans the bad old days have never went away.

“The fact that a British secretary of state, Owen Paterson, can revoke licenses as he pleases is proof who really holds power.

Cllr Hyland concluded by saying “As an elected representative, I personally call for an end to the torture and brutality of republican prisoners and for the full implementation of the August 2010 agreement which would bring this crisis to an end. The BOSS chair is already in Maghaberry so why aren’t they using it if the technology is there?

“If those in Stormont are really opposed to these injustices then they should walk out of the puppet assembly and join the numerous picket lines and rallies against these injustices that are constantly taking place.”

Roads and Paths need urgent repairs in Mullach Alainn- Davy Hyland‏

Independent republican councillor for Newry, Davy Hyland, has criticised the state of the road and footpaths in the Mullach Alainn area in Carnagat.

Davy explained “I was approached by several residents of this area who voiced concerns over the state of the road and footpaths. This housing development was completed over eight years ago and it’s totally unacceptable that the work has yet to be completed”.

“I met with a number of residents who told me that their cars could be damaged when driving over the potholes and manholes, which are sticking up above the tarmac. There is also the possibility that someone could trip the high kerbstones which rise inches above the level of tarmac, this could result in someone being seriously injured. I immediately contacted the Roads Service regarding this issue and i pledge to do everything in my power to help get this resolved”.

Hyland continued “I viewed the state of the road and paths myself and was shocked at the state they are in. I will keep the residents updated on any progress that is made.

Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Independent republican councillor Davy Hyland has said he is pleased the council has supported his proposal to organise suicide awareness and prevention initiatives in local communities.

The proposal was put before the council at Monday night’s monthly meeting.

Speaking after the meeting Davy explained “at the recent monthly meeting of Newry & Mourne district council, I raised the issue of the increasing levels of suicide in our communities. I highlighted the fact that this issue seems to be on the increase and has a terrible impact on families, friends and local communities. I called upon the council to organise suicide awareness and prevention initiatives in community centres and through local associations.“

Councillor Hyland concluded “I also felt that the councillors themselves should be attending classes on this issue as they often have to visit homes of the bereaved and their loved ones. I'd also like to commend the PIPs group who are doing sterling work on this emotive issue.”